OB/GYN Badge Cards
With Badge Reel
With Badge Reel
- 5 Clinical Reference Badge Cards, double-sided
- OB/GYN Rotation Tips & Tricks Digital PDF
- Topics Covered: Stages of labor, Fetal heart tracings, Pregnancy screenings, Pregnancy complaints, Postpartum hemorrhage, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Gynecological tumors, Gynecological infections, Teratogens, Menopause
- Heavy Duty Metal Badge Reel optional add-on
Dimensions: 3.5" x 2.5" (credit card size)
Material: Thick plastic, Waterproof
Designed for those on their OB/GYN clinical rotations to help you quickly reference important information on the go!
- Quickly reference the diagnostic criteria and therapy for the potential infections you may see in your gynecology rotations
- References my cards to advise your pregnant patients on what teratogens to avoid during pregnancy
- And much, much more!
Medical students, DO students, PA students, Residents, Junior Doctors, or anyone looking to make the most out of their speciality!